This page contains jupyter notebooks that demonstrate the functionality of the OSCAR project.
For each topic, you can decide to open a static version of the jupyter notebook, powered by nbviewer.
Alternatively, you can inspect the jupyter notebook directly on github.
How to interact with a "live" version
Live interaction requires to download the notebook. Please select
the notebook of your choice, and follow the instructions below.
- Go to nbviewer.
- Find the download icon (top-right corner) and right-click on it (ctrl-click on macOS)
to open the context menu. Choose Save Link As... to download the notebook
) to a directory of your choice.
- Make sure that you have the
package installed
(cf. the Installation Page).
- Install
by running using Pkg; Pkg.add("IJulia")
in the Julia REPL
(IJulia quick-start).
This will automatically install jupyter.
Launch jupyter
by running using IJulia; notebook()
- You should have landed on a page in your web browser, with jupyter written in the upper
left corner. Below is a file explorer. Open the notebook file you downloaded (e.g.
You might see a pop-up with the message "Kernel not found", in which case you select a julia kernel from the
drop-down menu.
Click on one of the links below to filter notebooks (and re-click to disable filtering).
Linear Algebra
Author(s): Martin Bies, Aaruni Kaushik
Last modified: January 31, 2025
Out of Date Tutorials
Linear Algebra
Author(s): Martin Bies, Aaruni Kaushik
Last modified: January 31, 2025
Last updated on 07-02-2025
How to contribute Tutorials
- Create a jupyter notebook with the desired content.
- Place this notebook in a github repository of your choice.
- Send the link to this jupyter notebook to Martin Bies.
Note that tutorial authors are expected to maintain their tutorial(s), so that their
tutorial notebooks function with the latest stable OSCAR release.